SUTIL Survey and Stats 2019

SUTIL Survey and Stats 2019

Survey Says! SUTIL members responded to the following four questions about their opinions of life on the road: What I look forward to the most while being on the road with SUTIL is: 44.44% Interacting with schools and students… I really do love my job! 25.93%...
Featured Member: Cheryl Anne Boyes

Featured Member: Cheryl Anne Boyes

Full name: Cheryl Anne Boyes Alternate and way more accurate name: SUTIL Website & Communications Mastermind Extraordinaire These are a few of my favourite things: FamilyUkrainian dancingRelaxing with a glass of wine Cheryl Anne Boyes, representing Saskatchewan...
Featured Member: Greg Kwong

Featured Member: Greg Kwong

Full name: Gregory Kwong Alternate and way more accurate name: Garfield These are a few of my favourite things: TheatreCurlingTesting different recipes Greg Kwong, representing North West College, has been working for his organization for approximately five years! His...