Full Members
Full Members
SUTIL consists of Full Members and Associate Members. Full Members, often referred to as the “Big Four,” are those on the SUTIL executive committee, and are comprised of the following members and their federated colleges. See below!
Saskatchewan Apprenticeship
Apprenticeship training is the hands on way to build a career in the skilled trades. You learn a trade while earning a living.
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A journeyperson certificate is the foundation for many career opportunities. SYA – Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship – raises awareness of apprenticeship in Saskatchewan schools by helping young people discover the rewards that come with working in the skilled trades. SYA enhances student career development by exploring skilled trades opportunities in Saskatchewan.
Saskatchewan Polytechnic
Saskatchewan Polytechnic is a member of Polytechnics Canada, an alliance of 13 research-intensive, industry-responsive post-secondary institutions.
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Offering more than 150 industry driven programs, we prepare you with job focused marketable skills. As a student you will get personalized attention, hands on learning and opportunities in applied research.
University of Regina
The University of Regina boasts over 150 programs and three federated colleges (Campion College, First Nations University of Canada, and Luther College). If students are looking for a university to call home – they’ve come to the right place.
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At the U of R, we aim for our students to find balance between their work and play and truly find a community as they begin their post-secondary adventure.
Whether they’re planning on living on campus, or off campus – we have the services they need. Co-op, brand-new residences, Study Abroad, and a UR Guarantee program that helps students transition from university into a career – these are a few of the strong programs and supports that guarantee they’ll be employable and successful once they’re ready to spread their wings and venture out on their own!
University of Saskatchewan
The University of Saskatchewan (USask) is one of Canada’s top 15 research universities and home to more than 24,900 students from around the world.
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USask offers over 150 academic programs, $13 million in scholarships, and a low 19:1 student to faculty ratio. USask provides a highly collaborative research environment with some of the best facilities and analytical tools in Canada including the Canadian Light Source, the Sylvia Fedoruk Canadian Centre for Nuclear Innovation, the International Vaccine Centre, the Global Institute for Food Security, and the Global Institute for Water Security. In addition to having the opportunity to work and study at one of Canada’s top research universities, our students enjoy a high level of support typical of a smaller university, creating an environment that inspires collaboration, innovation and discovery.

Associate Members
Associate Members
The makeup of Associate Members changes yearly as post-secondary institutions join and leave our organization. They request permission from the host to attend the events they are interested in.
Assiniboine Community College
Avant-Garde Beauty College
Brandon University
Briercrest College & Seminary
Canadian Armed Forces Recruiting Centre Regina
Carlton Trail Regional College
Concordia University of Edmonton
First Nations University of Canada
Gabriel Dumont Technical Institute
Great Plains College
Horizon College & Seminary
Keyano College
Lakeland College
Minot State University
Mount Royal University
NAIT – Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
North West College
Saskatchewan Cancer Agency
Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies
Saskatoon Business College
Southeast College
St. Peter’s College
St. Thomas More College
Suncrest College
The King’s University
The Recording Arts Institute of Saskatoon
University of Lethbridge
University of Regina Flexible Learning, Centre for Continuing Education
Assiniboine Community College
Brandon University
Briercrest College & Seminary
Canadian Armed Forces
Carlton Trail College
Concordia University of Edmonton
Dumont Technical Institute
First Nations University of Canada
Great Plains College
HMCS Queen (Royal Canadian Navy – Canadian Armed Forces)
Lakeland College
Lethbridge College
MacEwan University
Minot State University
Mount Royal University
NAIT- Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
North West College
Olds College
Professional Institute of Massage Therapy
Recording Arts Institute of Saskatoon
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Saskatchewan Cancer Agency
Southeast College
St. Peter’s College
St. Thomas More College
Suncrest College
The King’s University
University of Calgary
University of Lethbridge
Western College of Remedial Massage Therapies

Benefits of Becoming A SUTIL Member
Becoming a SUTIL member provides access to strategically booked high school visits across the province during the fall season. Our travel season takes place from September until mid-December. At events, SUTIL members have the opportunity to share the core information about their institution, such as admission processes, programs, supports and student life on campus; basically, what components make each institution unique!
By displaying various post-secondary institutions during one event, students can ultimately compare the options available, making it easy to choose the best fit for their life after graduation! If you are interested in becoming an associate member, we would love to hear from you and answer any questions you have! Please reach out in the “Say Hello!” section below, and we gladly fill you in on everything that is SUTIL!
What’s in it for you? Become an Associate Member of SUTIL!
Becoming a SUTIL member provides access to strategically booked high school visits across the province during the fall season. Our travel season takes place from September until mid-December. At events, SUTIL members have the opportunity to share the core information about their institution, such as admission processes, programs, supports and student life on campus; basically, what components make each institution unique!
By displaying various post-secondary institutions during one event, students can ultimately compare the options available, making it easy to choose the best fit for their life after graduation! If you are interested in becoming an associate member, we would love to hear from you and answer any questions you have! Please reach out in the “Say Hello!” section below, and we gladly fill you in on everything that is SUTIL!
What’s in it for you? Become an Associate Member of SUTIL!
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