Featured Institution: Olds College


Location: Olds, Alberta

SUTIL members who are a part of this institution: Marvin Deitzer

Social Media: oldscollege.ca, twitter.com/oldscollege, instagram.com/olds.college, facebook.com/oldscollege

Let’s start off with the basis:

Olds College is a distinct, provincially focused institution that supports the teaching and learning of all Albertans. Through our regular programming, continued education, and online and blended programming, we provide accessible educational opportunities within Alberta and beyond. We are passionate about the Agriculture industry. Through our applied research and integrated learning, we are proud to be Canada’s Smart Agriculture College, specializing in agriculture, horticulture, land and environmental stewardship. We work closely with industry to advance and adapt our programming to ensure our graduates have the skills to succeed.

Institution origin:

Founded in 1913, Olds College has been offering quality hands-on education for over a century.

 A few key highlights that makes Olds College unique:

  • 2,000 Acre Smart Farm
  • The Smart Farm is incorporating farm management software platforms that gather, store, and visualize production and management data, while utilizing data analytics and machine learning to turn data into information and information into knowledge. Techgronomists on the Smart Farm team, use the technologies to analyze data gathered to make evidence-based decisions to improve productivity, profitability and sustainability
  • Only institution in Alberta with a Brewmaster Program


Everything we do at Olds College is done to advance all aspects of the agriculture industry. By transforming the agriculture industry, we will make the world a better place. All of our programs and actions align to our social purpose. It is the why behind everything we do. 


Even though I am over a half a Century old, I have been inspired by the group to go for higher education. I have applied to the University of Regina and I got accepted. I plan on taking classes there and there and I pray and hope I will be successful to obtain two more degrees before I reach age 55. I want to be a role model for the students, my family, and the community. Before retiring I will tackle Masters.

Jimmy Charles
Stanley Mission Rhoda Hardlotte Memorial High School

I really appreciate the SUTIL group and connections of associate members.  This makes planning a career day so much easier.  Thank you!

Shelly Fransoo
John Paul II Collegiate

Great Opportunity to allow students and parents to get the information from the institutions themselves.

John Svenson
Melville Comprehensive

Fantastic service to students in remote areas many of whom are not exposed to their opportunities in life.

Clarence Neault
Senator Myles Venne School

Was a great morning!  Kids were highly engaged and had the opportunity to see a lot of options for post secondary!

Michelle Wolf
Carnduff Education Complex

Easy to plan. Great opportunity for students! Presenters were excellent and engaging. I thought it was great. Good diversity of options for students. Awesome!

Jeff Pederson
Aden Bowman

The event is very well organized and provides students with a great student:presenter ratio.

Darin Faubert
Wadena Composite

Looking forward to having you come again next year.

Ryan Johnson
Davidson and Kenaston School

The SUTIL Booths Only event allows students and parents/guardians to connect with recruiters from a wide variety of institutions and receive pertinent information firsthand in a relaxed atmosphere.

Donna Bouchard
Marion M. Graham Collegiate

I appreciate the ease of planning this event. Communication was excellent and efficient.  I love the SWAG that students and I get.

Bonnie Baron-Williams
Thom Collegiate

I appreciate all of the communication from the institutes ! Everything is well organized! Thanks!

Kipp Bayer
Sturgis Composite School

Happy Friday the 13th of December,

Thank you for The SUTIL Scoop and the SUTIL team visit at Rhoda Hardlotte Keethanow High School in Northern Saskatchewan. I noticed some of the team members were into Volleyball during the noon hour. Maybe that is how the team works; to have fun and to laugh and to warm up before presenting to the students and staff. Great Team! Thank you once again, SUTIL Team.

Jimmy Charles
Guidance Counselor-Stanley Mission

Hi Linda and Cheryl,

Thank you on behalf of Nutana Collegiate for bringing your event to our students. I have been hearing nothing but positive feedback in the building since this morning. Being new in the career facilitator role in my building, I can’t tell you how grateful I am for having such a well-organized and easy (from the host school perspective) event to offer to my students. All of the hard work that you have put in is much appreciated. I look forward to future events.

Shona Iverson-Career Facilitator
Nutana Collegiate

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